How to find a profitable niche for your business

Find a profitable niche

Achieving rapid profitability hinges on discovering a targeted niche that aligns with your capabilities. We have provided you with a comprehensive framework to guide you in not only identifying a lucrative niche within a marketplace but also in establishing dominance within it.

You may be stuck and wondering how to find a profitable niche for your business (or start up) but maybe you do not understand what a niche is. A niche is a pocket of the market in which you can specialise. Gyms are a niche, dentists are a niche. Local businesses are not niched enough.

You having a niche is going to be vital to your success. The niche that you pick will dictate the rest of your journey. Do not leave this to AI or google Ideas from AI, pick carefully and really think about what will actually help you the most.

How to find a profitable niche

4 Common Niche Mistakes


Do NOT go into a niche because you saw someone go into said niche. Don’t go into the business niche because I did it. Most people pick their niche, service, and offer on monkey-see and money-do logic. You know what most people also do? Fail. Don’t be like most people. Your process should be purely logical, pick a niche on what makes the most sense for you.

Concerning yourself with competition

It doesn’t matter how much competition there is or you think there is in a niche. There will be room for you. Plenty of room. Of your competitors, only a small percent will even be able to compete with you, and of the people that are able to, every single one of you could have a $100,000/month agency and have plenty to go around. Thinking about competition is having a scarcity mindset.

Being unable to make the decision

Don’t fall victim to being torn between multiple things. It is very easy to come up with 4-5 ideas for a niche and then pick the best one. There is no reason why someone cannot pick one, there is no specific way to how to find a profitable niche.

Thinking you must marry your Niche for the next 50 years

This decision is changeable, if you pick real estate, you are not stuck with it for the rest of your life. You can change your niche.

Understanding Unique Selling Propositions

Developing a unique selling proposition involves identifying a distinct and compelling value that sets a business apart from its competitors. By focusing on a niche and becoming an expert in that area, businesses can effectively communicate their unique value to their target audience, leading to increased success and profitability.

The Saturation myth

In the agency space, saturation is looked at as a bad thing. People fail with their agency and use the excuse of “my niche was too saturated” or “ads don’t work, they are saturated”. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Saturation is a good thing.


Of these dots, which stands out? None. They are the same, just a different colour.

image 9

Now of these dots. Which stands out? Obviously, the red. When you have saturation. Your can make something that truly stands out to your prospects,

image 8

And when there is extreme saturation, all you need to do is stand out a little bit. And you will be successful. Don’t be afraid of saturation, welcome it.

The way you find success is by picking “the best niche”:

Picking your niche quiz

Step One: List 5 niches you know or are passionate about

Step Two: List 5 skill sets which you currently have/could learn

Step Three: List the problems, fears and desires of the niches that you selected

Step Four: The most important factor is the “problems and desires”. Out of all of the problems and desires in step three, which one do you believe is the most powerful?

Step Five: Do you currently have the skills and knowledge to solve this problem and help this person make this transformation? Or can you learn it?

For the niches that you answered yes to, they move on to the next level:

Niche test

Is this niche easily contactable?   Yes / No

Does this niche’s niche need what they are selling?   Yes / No

Can this niche afford high ticket prices?   Yes / No

Is this niche growing?   Yes / No

Are the offers currently in this niche realistic to compete with after 6 months of work?   Yes / No

Write a list of the viable niches and then from this list, we can select the chosen niche. This is how to find a profitable niche!

Finding your ideal client

Now that you really know your niche, I want you to do 1 more thing. Go out on the internet, and find 1 person/business that would be your perfect, dream, ideal client.

Now let’s look at their competitors and find a target audience for your newly created niche! Congratulations you have your niche! Make sure you never stop looking for more ways to understand your niche. Niche market research is an incredibly valuable, high leverage task that you can always do, and always keep making improvements on.

Helping people find their niche faster

Helping individuals find their niche in business is a crucial step towards achieving long-term success and profitability. Through a comprehensive framework, individuals can identify a lucrative niche within a marketplace and establish dominance within it. This process involves narrowing down and specializing in a niche to ensure expertise and long-term success.

Building a Niche Business

Building a niche business involves understanding your unique abilities and crafting a specialized approach that sets you apart in the market (this is what makes how to find a profitable niche tough). It’s crucial to identify a lucrative niche within a marketplace and establish dominance within it. This process requires narrowing down and specializing in a niche to ensure expertise and long-term success.

Identifying your unique approach

Before selecting a market, it’s essential to figure out your unique approach and capabilities. By understanding your strengths and expertise, you can tailor your business to align with your distinct abilities, ensuring a competitive edge in your chosen niche.

Selecting the right market

Once you’ve identified your unique approach, the next step is to determine which market is best suited for your specialized skills. By aligning your capabilities with a specific market, you can effectively cater to the needs of your target audience, setting the stage for business success and profitability.

Creating Specialized products

In building a niche business, it’s essential to develop products or services that are tailored to your specialized approach. By offering unique and targeted solutions, you can differentiate yourself from competitors and attract a loyal customer base seeking your specialized offerings.

Example: Carpet cleaning for assisted living homes

Developing a niche business in the carpet cleaning industry can involve targeting specific markets such as assisted living homes. By identifying a unique approach to carpet cleaning and aligning it with the needs of this niche market, businesses can establish a profitable and impactful presence.

Specialized cleaning techniques

Utilizing specialized cleaning techniques that cater to the requirements of assisted living homes can provide a valuable service while addressing the unique needs of elderly residents. By offering carpet cleaning solutions that prioritize safety, hygiene, and efficiency, businesses can position themselves as trusted partners in the assisted living industry.

Targeted marketing strategies

Implementing targeted marketing strategies aimed at assisted living facilities can effectively communicate the benefits of specialized carpet cleaning services. By highlighting the tailored approach and benefits specific to this market, businesses can attract and retain clients within the assisted living sector.

For helpful strategies to generate passive income click here.

Final on Niche

If you have struggled prior on how to find a profitable niche, I hope that the content above has helped you narrow down niches for your next start up. Our frequently asked questions are below which might provide you with a bit more clarity. Selecting a niche is important however depending on which venture you decide to pursue, the niche requirements will change (such as content blogging vs software as a service (SAAS)).

Below is a helpful YouTube video which might further assist you:


Here are some frequently asked questions about finding a profitable niche for your business:

How to find a profitable niche for your business?

Please read above and take the test to narrow down your niche potential but generally speaking on how to find a profitable niche, it takes time and research.

What is a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) in Business?

A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) in business refers to the distinct and compelling value that sets a business apart from its competitors. It involves identifying a niche and becoming an expert in that area to effectively communicate unique value to the target audience, leading to increased success and profitability.

How can I identify a lucrative niche within a Marketplace?

Everyone is asking themselves “how to find a profitable niche” so be wary of:

  • Understand your unique approach and capabilities to tailor your business to align with your distinct abilities.
  • Determine which market is best suited for your specialized skills to effectively cater to the needs of your target audience.
  • Develop products or services that are tailored to your specialized approach to differentiate yourself from competitors and attract a loyal customer base.

What Are Some Tips for Specializing in a Niche to Enhance Business Success?

  • Adopt a specialized approach by honing in on your unique strengths and leveraging them to create tailored solutions that resonate with your target audience.
  • Embrace a strategic focus to differentiate your business, attract loyal customers, and achieve sustainable growth in your niche market.

How Can I Improve Business Through Specialization?

Improving business through specialization involves identifying a unique market segment and tailoring products or services to cater to its specific needs. This allows businesses to establish expertise and dominance within their chosen niche, leading to enhanced success and profitability.