ChatGPT & Audible Book Review – Side Hustle

Are you looking for a way to generate a substantial passive income stream without the need to create your own content from scratch or put your face on camera? Look no further! In this step-by-step guide, I’ll show you how to harness the power of ChatGPT and Pinterest to promote popular books on Audible, earning you a cool $15 per free trial sign-up.

ai side hustle

Book Review Side Hustle

Review AI Side Hustle

I haven’t personally had the time to get to this side hustle but can confirm that it is a profitable venture through an associate of mine. We have seen on social media figures being thrown around such as $600+ per day which I think misleading, the associate did confirm that they made approximately $200 per day with a peak of $340 this year (2024). I will come back and review this after i finish my other projects first.

The first step in your side hustle is to identify popular books that are in high demand. Simply ask the AI to provide a list of the top-selling books in your desired category, such as finance, self-help, or business. This will give you a curated selection of titles that are currently trending on Audible.

Step 2: Choose a Profitable Book to Promote

Once you have a list of potential books for your AI side hustle, it’s time to pick the one that will maximize your earning potential. Here’s how:

  • Check Availability: Copy the book title and paste it into the Audible search bar. Make sure the book is readily available and has a decent number of reviews, indicating its popularity.
  • Consider Your Audience: Think about your target audience and choose a book that resonates with their interests. Whether it’s personal finance, health and wellness, or relationship advice, pick a title that will grab their attention. Understanding your audience is crucial when learning how to use AI to make money online.
  • Look at Ratings and Reviews: Examine the book’s overall ratings and read through some reviews to gauge reader satisfaction. Opt for books with high ratings and positive feedback, as these are more likely to entice people to sign up for a free trial.

Step 3: Generate a Compelling Book Review with ChatGPT

Now that you’ve selected your book for your AI side hustle, it’s time to create a captivating review that will make people want to listen to it. Here’s how to do it with ChatGPT (Apply for ChatGPT Plus for free here), a powerful tool to:

  • Provide a Brief Overview: Start your review with an engaging introduction that summarizes the book’s main themes and hooks the reader. This is your chance to capture people’s attention.
  • Summarize Key Chapters: Break down the book into digestible chunks by highlighting the main points and takeaways from each chapter. This gives potential readers a good sense of what they’ll learn and demonstrates the value of your AI side hustle.
  • Add Personal Insights: Share your own thoughts and experiences related to the book. Discuss how it impacted you personally and why you think it’s worth reading. This adds authenticity and relatability to your review, which is crucial when learning how to use AI to make money online.
  • Include a Strong Call-to-Action: End your review with a persuasive call-to-action, urging readers to sign up for a free Audible trial to access the full book.

Check out here to find more ideas on how you can make money online.

Step 4: Create Eye-Catching Graphics with Canva

To make your book review visually appealing and shareable on social media, head over to Canva and design some stunning graphics. This is a great way to promote your AI side hustle and attract more attention, here’s a simple process:

  • Select the Right Size: Start with a blank canvas sized at 1,400 x 1400 pixels, which is perfect for Pinterest.
  • Use Magic Media Feature: Utilize Canva’s Magic Media feature to generate images based on keywords related to your book. Enter phrases like “financial freedom,” “productivity hacks,” or “mindfulness” to get relevant visual suggestions that align with your side hustle.
  • Incorporate Images into Your Review: Integrate the generated images throughout your book review to break up the text, add visual interest, and reinforce key points. This will make your AI side hustle more engaging and appealing to potential readers.

Step 5: Promote Your Review on Vocal Media

Vocal Media is an excellent platform to share your book reviews and tap into a wide audience, perfect for promoting your AI side hustle. Here’s how to leverage it effectively:

  • Write a Compelling Story: Start a new story on Vocal Media and craft an attention-grabbing title and subtitle for your book review.
  • Share Your ChatGPT-Generated Review: Copy and paste your ChatGPT-powered review into the body of your Vocal Media story. Make sure it’s formatted nicely and easy to read, as this will help promote your AI side hustle and demonstrate your expertise in using AI to make money online.
  • Enhance with Canva Graphics: Embed the eye-catching images you created in Canva throughout your review to make it visually appealing and engaging. This will help your side hustle stand out and attract more readers.
  • Include Affiliate Links: Strategically place affiliate links within your review, encouraging readers to sign up for a free Audible trial. Make sure to use persuasive calls-to-action to maximize conversions and boost your earnings from your AI side hustle.
  • Disclose Affiliate Relationship: At the end of your Vocal Media story, include a brief disclosure stating that you may earn a commission if readers use your affiliate links. Transparency is key when promoting your side hustle and learning how to use AI to make money online.
How to make money with podcasts

Step 6: Drive Free Traffic from Pinterest

Pinterest is a powerful platform for driving targeted traffic to your book reviews and is an essential tool for your AI side hustle. Here’s how to make the most of it and learn how to use AI to make money online:

  • Set Up a Pinterest Account: If you don’t already have one, create a Pinterest account with an eye-catching profile picture and a clear description of what you offer through your side hustle.
  • Design Pins with Canva: Head over to Audible, find the book you’re promoting, and copy the cover image. Then, go to Canva and create a new Pinterest pin using a blank template. Add the book cover image and overlay text with a compelling call-to-action like “Get your free copy today! Click the link inside this pin.” This will help drive traffic to your AI side hustle.
  • Write Keyword-Rich Descriptions: When uploading your pins to Pinterest, craft descriptions that highlight the key benefits of the book and include relevant keywords to help people find your content. This will increase the visibility of your side hustle and help you learn how to use AI to make money online.
  • Include Affiliate Links: Add your Audible affiliate links to the pin descriptions, making it easy for people to sign up for a free trial and start listening to the book.
  • Stay Active and Consistent: To get the most out of Pinterest, aim to create and share several pins per day. Consistency is key to building momentum and driving steady traffic to your book reviews, which is important for the success of your AI side hustle.
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Final Thoughts on this AI side hustle

Remember, success won’t happen overnight, but with dedication and consistent effort, you can turn this simple AI side hustle into a reliable stream of income.

You can create a lucrative AI side hustle promoting popular books on Audible. The beauty of this approach is that it doesn’t require you to be an expert in any particular niche or create original content from scratch. With a bit of creativity and persistence, you can start generating passive income and work towards your goal, all while learning how to use AI to make money online.

Learn how to get your own free wordpress hosting and website here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about making money with ChatGPT and promoting books on Audible:

Do I need to create my own content to promote books on Audible?

No, leveraging ChatGPT allows you to generate book reviews and content without the need to create original material. This streamlines the process and enables you to focus on promoting the books effectively.

What platforms can I use to promote book reviews and earn commissions?

  • Vocal Media: Vocal Media provides a platform for sharing comprehensive book reviews, promoting free trial offers, and earning commissions through the Audible Creator program.
  • Pinterest: Utilizing Pinterest enables you to drive free traffic to your book reviews by creating engaging pins and strategically promoting them to entice potential readers to sign up for Audible’s free trial offers.

Is it necessary to have a large following or audience to succeed in book promotion?

While a larger audience can certainly enhance your promotional efforts, it’s not a strict requirement. By strategically targeting relevant audiences and leveraging platforms like Vocal Media and Pinterest, you can effectively reach potential readers and drive traffic to earn commissions.