Blueprint Revealed: 6 Side Hustles that pay weekly

We’ll explore 6 websites that can help you make money online and that pay weekly. Whether you’re looking to earn some extra cash or build a sustainable side hustle, these platforms offer a variety of opportunities to get paid weekly. These side hustles that pay weekly are perfect for anyone looking to supplement their income, including side hustles for couples who want to earn together.

Side Hustles that pay weekly

Side hustles for couples

Working on a side hustle as a couple can be a fun and rewarding experience. You’ll have the opportunity to collaborate, support each other, and celebrate your successes together. So, whether you’re newlyweds looking to save for your first home, parents seeking to boost your family’s income, or simply a couple ready to embark on a new adventure together, these side hustles are the perfect place to start.

side hustles that pay weekly

Step 1: Get Paid to Test Websites with

Want to earn money by simply reviewing websites? offers a straightforward way to do just that!

What is is one of the best side hustles that pay weekly, allowing you to make money by reviewing and answering questions about different websites. Companies need feedback to improve their user experience, and they are willing to pay for your insights. This is ideal for couples looking for side hustles for couples, as you can work together and share your opinions.

How to Get Started

Getting started with this side hustle that pays weekly is easy. Just follow these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Click “Sign Up” or “Start Here”
  3. Fill out your personal details

What You Will Do

Once signed up, you’ll be given various websites, software, and companies to test. Your tasks will include:

  • Screen recordings
  • Navigating websites
  • Answering multiple-choice questions

No tech-savviness required! Just provide honest feedback.

How Much You Can Earn

Each test pays around $10, and they typically take 5 to 20 minutes to complete. On average, you can make up to $30 per test, which usually takes about 30 minutes. That’s up to $60 per hour! This side hustle that pays weekly is a great way to earn extra cash doing something engaging as a couple or single.

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Step 2: Earn Up to $100 per List on ListVerse

If you enjoy writing but don’t want to commit to long articles, ListVerse is perfect for you. Create lists and get paid!

What is ListVerse?

ListVerse is another side hustle that pays weekly. It pays you to create simple lists for their website. These lists can cover any topic, from “Top 10 Most Controversial Debates” to “10 Most Badass Fictional Weapons.” This is a great option for side hustles for couples who enjoy writing and brainstorming together.

How to Get Started

Follow these steps to start earning with this side hustle that pays weekly:

  1. Visit
  2. Create an account
  3. Submit your list

What You Will Do

All you need to do is create interesting lists. No need to write full articles or essays. Just generate catchy titles and brief descriptions.

How Much You Can Earn

You can earn up to $100 per list. Using AI tools like ChatGPT, you can generate lists quickly and easily. If you submit two lists per week, that’s $200 weekly, or $800 monthly. Not bad for minimal effort! This side hustle that pays weekly is a great way to make money online.

Step 3: Transcribe Audio and Video Content on offers a fantastic way to make money by transcribing audio and video content. If you can type, you can earn!

What is is a side hustle that pays weekly. It pays you to transcribe audio and video files. You can work from home and set your own schedule. This is a great option for side hustles for couples who want to work together and divide tasks based on their strengths.

How to Get Started

Follow these simple steps to begin this side hustle that pays weekly:

  1. Visit
  2. Scroll to the bottom and click “Careers”
  3. Select “Freelancers”
  4. Sign up as a transcriptionist

What You Will Do

Your job will involve listening to audio files or watching videos and typing out what is being said. For videos, you may also need to add timestamps.

How Much You Can Earn

Transcriptionists earn between $0.30 to $1.10 per audio minute. Captioners can earn even more. While it may not make you rich, it’s a great way to earn some extra cash. Plus, you get paid weekly, making it one of the best side hustles that pay weekly and a solid choice for side hustles for couples.

With these three websites, you can easily start earning money online. Whether you want to review websites, create lists, or transcribe content, there’s something for everyone. So why not give it a try and start making money today? These side hustles for couples are a great way to earn extra income together.

side hustles for couples

Step 4: Take Surveys and Earn $6-$12 per Task on Prolific

Want to contribute to research while earning extra cash? Prolific is a fantastic platform that pays well for your time.

What is Prolific?

Prolific is an online research company that pays users to take surveys. Universities and research institutions use the platform to gather data for their studies. It’s another great side hustle that pays weekly and a perfect option for side hustles for couples who want to earn together.

How to Get Started

Follow these steps to start earning with this side hustle that pays weekly:

  1. Visit
  2. Sign up for an account
  3. Complete your profile

What You Will Do

Your tasks will involve taking surveys based on various research studies. These can range from simple questionnaires to in-depth surveys.

How Much You Can Earn

Prolific pays between $6 to $12 per survey, making it one of the better-paying survey sites. You can easily make a decent amount of money without leaving your home. Plus, knowing your answers contribute to scientific research is a great bonus! This side hustle that pays weekly is a great way to earn extra income, and it’s a fantastic choice for side hustles for couples who want to work together from the comfort of their home.

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Step 5: Teach a Language and Earn $15-$25 per Hour on Preply

Do you speak a language fluently? Preply offers a fantastic opportunity to monetize your language skills.

What is Preply?

Preply is a language tutoring platform where you can get paid to teach languages you already know. It’s ideal for anyone fluent in a language, especially those in high demand like Spanish or English. This side hustle that pays weekly is perfect for language enthusiasts and a great option for side hustles for couples who speak different languages.

How to Get Started

Getting started on this side hustle that pays weekly is straightforward:

  1. Visit
  2. Click “Get Started”
  3. Create an account

What You Will Do

Your job will be to teach someone a language you know. Preply handles all the administrative work like payments and lesson scheduling, so you can focus on teaching.

How Much You Can Earn

You can earn between $15 to $25 per hour. No prior teaching experience or qualifications are required. All you need is a mobile phone or laptop to start making money by sharing your language skills. This side hustle that pays weekly is a great way to monetize your language skills, and it’s an excellent choice for side hustles for couples who want to teach together.

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Step 6: Get Paid to Provide Expert Advice on

Do you have expertise in a particular field? lets you monetize your knowledge by offering advice.

What is is a platform where people seek expert advice on various topics, from sales and marketing to mental health and dating advice. It’s a side hustle that pays weekly, allowing you to earn money by sharing your expertise. This is a great option for side hustles for couples who have complementary skills or expertise.

How to Get Started

Ready to share your knowledge? Follow these steps to start this side hustle that pays weekly:

  1. Visit
  2. Sign up as an expert
  3. Create your profile

What You Will Do

Your role will be to provide one-on-one advice to people seeking guidance in your area of expertise. Topics are diverse, so you can offer advice on almost anything.

How Much You Can Earn

Experts on can earn up to $100 per hour. Most calls last about 30 minutes and pay around $50. It’s a simple way to make money while helping others with your knowledge.

These side hustles that pay weekly offer a variety of ways to earn extra income. Whether you’re taking surveys, teaching a language, or providing expert advice, there’s something for everyone. Why not try one of these platforms today and start making money online? These side hustles for couples are a great way to earn together and strengthen your financial partnership.

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Final Thoughts on side hustles that pay weekly

Whether you’re looking to test websites, write lists, transcribe content, or dive into affiliate marketing, these side hustles that pay weekly offer a variety of ways to earn extra cash. These options also provide quality options for side hustles for couples and are a great way to strengthen your financial partnership.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? Here are some answers to common queries about making money online.

Do I need any special skills to get started? No, most of these platforms require little to no prior experience. They are designed to be user-friendly and accessible to everyone, making them perfect for beginners.

How quickly can I start earning money? You can start earning money within 24 hours on most of these platforms. However, the amount you earn will depend on the time and effort you put in.

Are these platforms safe to use? Yes, the platforms mentioned are reputable and widely used. Always read reviews and do your own research to ensure you’re comfortable with the platform.

How do I get paid? Most platforms offer multiple payment methods, including PayPal, direct bank transfers, and even checks. Payments are usually processed weekly or bi-weekly.

Can I do this while working a full-time job? Absolutely! These side hustles that pay weekly are flexible and can be done in your spare time. They are perfect for anyone looking to supplement their income.