Lazy Beginners: Affiliate Marketing method

Are you trying to learn how to make money with affiliate marketing for beginners? What if I told you that you could realistically earn upwards of $400 per hour, and scale that up to thousands of dollars per day, without needing any special skills or a big upfront investment? It’s absolutely possible by getting started with affiliate marketing using free tools like Google Sites.


The Lazy method to Affiliate Marketing

I know, it might sound too good to be true at first. But by following the simple step-by-step process I’m about to lay out, you can get your affiliate marketing business off the ground quickly and start seeing real results, even if you have zero experience. The best part is that you can get started for free by leveraging Google Sites to build your first affiliate website at no cost.

How to make money with affiliate marketing for beginners

Step 1: Set up your Google Site

First, head over to and create a free account if you don’t already have one. Then start a new site and choose the blank template. Give your site an engaging name that will draw in your target audience. Don’t worry, you don’t need to know any coding to build your site. Google Sites makes it super easy with drag-and-drop functionality and pre-designed layouts.

Step 2: Find great content

Now it’s time to fill your site with high-quality, valuable content that will attract visitors. Look for engaging, informative articles from authoritative sources in your niche. For example, if your site is about making money online, search for articles with titles like “Top 10 Proven Ways to Earn Money From Home” or “How to make money with affiliate marketing for beginners”.

Use reputable sources like well-known news sites, popular blogs, or leading industry publications. Don’t worry if you hit a paywall – there is plenty of great free content out there. The key is to work smart, not hard!

Step 3: Polish your content

Take the content you curated and make it your own. Rewrite parts of it, summarize key points, and weave in your own insights and personality. This is important to avoid duplicate content issues and make your site unique. Tools like Quillbot or Paraphraser can be very helpful for rephrasing text naturally. Apply for ChatGPT Plus for free here.

Step 4: Monetize with CPA offers

This is where the rubber meets the road in terms of how to make money with affiliate marketing for beginners. Sign up for reputable CPA (cost-per-action) networks like CPALead or CPAGrip. Browse their marketplace and choose offers that are relevant to your niche and have high conversion rates.

how to make money with affiliate marketing for beginners

The key is to seamlessly integrate these offers into your content. For example, if your article is about ways to earn money online, include CPA offers for free signup offers or email submit programs that pay you per lead. Use attention-grabbing images and buttons to entice clicks.

For other ways to generate passive income strategies click here.

Step 5: Publish your money-making site

Once you have a good amount of content and monetized it with CPA offers, it’s time to take your site live. Just hit the publish button, give your site a name, and you’re ready to start promoting. Be sure to proofread everything carefully first.

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Step 6: Drive free traffic

Now it’s time to get eyeballs to your site. One of the best ways to get highly targeted traffic for free is by tapping into niche communities on social platforms like MeWe or other fresh social networks (some require the app on your smartphone). Search for groups related to your site’s topic and start engaging, if relevant you can also apply this practice sites like Reddit.

Don’t just drop links and run, engage by liking and focus on adding value by making thoughtful comments, answering questions, and sharing your insights. As you build trust and authority, people will naturally want to check out your helpful site.

The beauty of this method is that it runs on virtual autopilot once you have it set up. You’ll put in most of the work upfront by creating your site and monetizing it. But after that, the traffic and income can keep flowing in passively, even while you sleep. The trick with how to make money with affiliate marketing for beginners is not to spam the links but providing value to people.

Of course, I recommend continuing to update your site with fresh content, engage on social media, and optimize your CPA offers over time. But the core foundation of your affiliate income stream will already be in place.

If you are looking for a bit more explanation on how to make money with affiliate marketing click here. This video course will provide you a step by step process on how to make your first $1,000 in affiliate marketing.

Final thoughts – how to make money with affiliate marketing for beginners

At first, it might seem difficult to begin your journey on how to make money with affiliate marketing for beginners. But once you break it down into clear steps, you’ll see that anyone can do it. The most important thing to remember is how easy and automatic it will be. You only need to set up your site and CPA offers one time. After that, you’ll make money without having to do anything.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Do I need any technical skills to build my affiliate site?

A: Not at all! Google Sites is very beginner-friendly and doesn’t require any coding knowledge. If you can click, drag, drop and type, you can build a professional-looking site.

Q: How much money can I realistically make with this method?

A: That depends on factors like your traffic, CPA offer commissions, and conversion rates. But many affiliates earn $400+ per hour once they have an optimized site set up. From there, the sky’s the limit in terms of scaling up your income as you grow your traffic.

Q: How long does it take to start making money?

A: You could start earning your first commissions within a few hours of publishing your site if you follow the steps and pick good CPA offers. But in general, give yourself a few days to a week to gain traction and start seeing more consistent results. Stick with it!

Q: What if I can’t find good content to use on my site?

A: Look harder! The internet is vast and there is no shortage of great articles and information out there. Be resourceful and get creative with your search terms. With a little digging, you’ll find plenty of free, high-quality content to work with.

Q: How can I get the most out of my CPA offers?

A: Pick offers that are highly relevant to your content and audience. Look for offers with high payouts and conversion rates. Test different placements and promotional tactics to see what gets the most clicks and conversions for your traffic. Don’t be afraid to experiment!

I hope this guide has shown you just how simple and accessible affiliate marketing can be, even for total beginners. The key is to take action and stay consistent. Before you know it, you could be well on your way to living the laptop lifestyle powered by affiliate income. I’d love to hear about your success stories in the comments below!