I started an OnlyFans account with zero following in 2024 – How much I made as a new creator

What’s going on, everyone? Today I want to share my experience creating an OnlyFans account in 2024 and starting completely from scratch – that means no following on Twitter, Instagram, Reddit (although I did plug it heavily afterward). At first, I did keep it anonymous, but people found out anyway. I learned a lot about how to price your stuff, how to promote it, and also how hard it is to make money on these sites while still hiding your identity!

Preparing the groundwork: Research and expectations

I did my homework before diving into the OnlyFans universe. What would it mean to be an OnlyFans model? How much should I charge for subscriptions or for individual pieces of content? How could I get people to sign up in the first place? On top of everything, I also chose not to tell anyone who I really was. That made things even harder, though anonymity has been a key part of the site since it started back in 2016.

The first month rollercoaster

At first, it seemed difficult to understand how the platform worked when I didn’t have any followers and was completely anonymous. A lot of people make videos on TikTok and talk about how hard it is to make money without showing your face, but I figured out some ways that work. In this blog post we will talk more about it so that you can kickstart your journey fast.

Breakthrough via Reddit

It is interesting to note that even though I kept my identity a secret, I still used Reddit as a way to get more people to sign up. If you are just starting to use Reddit as a way to promote your stuff, there are so many subreddits where you can share your work in a good way. I wasn’t trying to make money when I first started posting. But people were really nice to me, and I liked making posts, so I kept doing it. After a while, I showed everyone who I was.

The way that people who followed would talk with me and others in the comments also changed when I started showing who I was.

Revenue streams: From free to paid subscriptions

I started out with a free-to-subscribe model, which means that unlocked content on my feed could be bought by fans. It was a good way to begin since I got to show off a bit of everything and figure out what type of posts my subscribers liked the most.

Below is a list of how much money I made in my first 30 days as an OnlyFans creator in 2024. The platform keeps 20 percent of all earnings, which is standard:

  • Subscriptions: $55.86
  • Tips: $48
  • Posts Revenue: $44
  • Private Messages: $246.40

At the end of the day, I made $394. 26 after OF took their cut from my $492. 86 gross.

When I switched over to the pay-to-subscribe model, I did lose followers, but not really paid followers. Instead, some people who’d been following me since the start chose to move on, while others joined.

Pro Tip: Efficient communication and scheduling

I completely changed how I interact with my followers by learning about features like mass DMs and post scheduling. When I first started out, I would DM each and every subscriber one by one. But then I saw the plus sign in the corner of the fans tab. Clicking on it would let me write a message to all of my subscribers at once!

Another feature that I didn’t know about until way later is being able to schedule posts. It really helps if you want to keep engaging with your audience but don’t have time to be on the app all day. This way, you can make sure there’s always something going up on your page.

It’s super important to have a steady flow of content so that subscribers will know when to come back for more!

The Verdict: Is it worth it?

When I look back on how much I made in the first month, it seems worth it. During the process, I learned a lot about making money off digital content and how important it is to use strategies that work for each site. I plan to use these methods on other sites in the future, and hopefully I will be able to make even more money.

If you are thinking about starting an OnlyFans account in 2024, here is a quick rundown of what your journey could look like:

  • Do your homework: Learn about the industry and get ready to monetize.
  • Start–even from zero followers: You can build up a following quickly on platforms like Reddit.
  • Try different subscription models: See what works best for your subscribers.
  • Take advantage of tools provided by the platform: This will help you work faster and get more engagement.

Once I got the hang of it, I realized how much fun I was having and how empowered I felt! If any of the things I learned from this experience resonated with you, I would highly recommend giving it a try yourself.