The Art of how to make money online for beginners

How to make money online for beginners

I found several popular videos from content providers on YouTube the other day, they said you can make about $30 every 10 minutes with Google Translate as a side hustles to make money. That means you can make $900 a day if you only work for four hours (realistically you have to be a pro to do this). Best of all, you can start earning money right away and all you need is a PayPal account.

I watched a few videos from some other creators about it that had millions of views and all of them claimed that this is a great method. Let us review my notes and the potential of this method on how to make money online for beginners.

We have had mixed reviews with this method where one of the team took a while to get their first sale and the other gave up after 2 weeks. We believe this requires persistence and to think outside the box utilizing traffic techniques. This is a great strategy to help learn more about Affiliate marketing and is a great learning experience on how to make money online for beginners. We recommend if you are fresh and new to Affiliate marketing that you consider reading further.

Understanding the basics

To begin with, go to Google Translate. It’s a completely free platform that lets you translate seamlessly between multiple languages. You simply select your desired languages, type in the text, and boom, you get the translation instantly. Once you’ve gone through Google Translate, we’ll move on to CPAGrip.

Setting up on Affiliate Marketing

how to make money online for beginners

You can make a free CPAGrip account and start earning money right away with this side hustles to make money. To get started, all you need to do is provide some basic info like your email and name. After logging in for the first time, simply go to the Payment Methods section of their site and select how you would like to get paid. PayPal, Payoneer international bank transfers, and (if you live in the United States) ACH transfers are all supported. Remember that the minimum withdrawal amount for this side hustles to make money is $50.

On the dashboard page you will find a live public chat where people talk about how much money they have made, using this method. People seem to be making anywhere from very modest earnings to extremely substantial amounts. Some users claim to even be earning a full-time income, while others report making a few hundred dollars per month. 

Alternatively, you can choose a different Affiliate Marketing route, there are several options out there including Avantlink, ShareASale, Impact Radius, Reversion Marketplace, Impact maybe Amazon.

For other helpful strategies to generate passive income click here.

Finding & Promoting High-Value Offers

To view the offers under CPAGrip that are available to you, go to ‘Offer Tools’ followed by ‘My Offers’.

One thing you should do is look for Higher-Paying Offers. But don’t forget to change your settings to only show offers that target countries that pay the most.

You can do this by translating an offer into many different languages and then advertising it in those countries. This is what makes this side hustles to make money a great strategy as it is straightforward.

Here’s how you can do that: If you want to target France or Spain, first sort the offers by how much they pay. Then pick the ones that work best for France or Spain this is key to how to make money online for beginners.

The next step is to use Google Translate and change anything else that needs to be changed from English to French or Spanish. This will help make sure that you are saying it in their native language when you promote the offer.

We can use Google Translate to understand what the offers are so that we can shorten the promo links with ShrinkEarn and better manage and track them. You can drive traffic to these links on Traffic Adbar, which is a platform that says they will give you up to 1,022 visitors for free every three days!

Here is how you do it:

  • Copy your affiliate link from CPAGrip.
  • Paste it into ShrinkEarn to shorten it.
  • Use the shortened link in ads you make on platforms like Traffic Adbar.

Be sure to change the language settings depending on which country you are targeting!

See our other traffic generation strategy to help kick start this method further here.

The reality of how to make money online for beginners

The proof in any such pudding is in the eating; it’s not for nothing that ads get blocked, links get flagged as dangerous, and offers change on the fly depending on where you live which makes it hard to be consistent. This endeavor on how to make money online for beginners tested my patience and adaptability, exposing some harsh realities of affiliate marketing masked by online promises. It is important to be persistent and keep going forward, creating the next campaign, scheduling the next social media post as this is a great side hustles to make money.

Enhancing Affiliate marketing with landing pages

If you want to make your affiliate marketing campaign even more effective, you should think about creating a landing page for it. A landing page is something that comes before your offer. It gives visitors more information about what you are selling, which can help convince them to buy it. This a primary strategy for side hustles to make money, the landing pages convert traffic into leads or sales better than other types of websites. If you want to use landing pages on HubSpot, they are easy to make and customize quickly without needing to know how to code. You could alternatively use MailChimp (free features) or GetResponse who offers 1 free landing page.

What is HubSpot?

how to make money online for beginners

Along with hosting your landing pages for free, HubSpot also lets you create them using templates that have already been made for you. If you don’t like dragging and dropping elements onto a page to design it, you can use one of these templates as a starting point and edit its HTML directly.

On top of that, HubSpot provides SEO tips and AI writing tools to help you get your content seen by more people online. Its ability to let you change its templates’ CTA buttons and lead forms makes it very useful for making affiliate marketing funnels.

It can also be used to make any kind of lead generation pages.

Learn how to get your own free wordpress hosting and website here.

Final thoughts

To wrap it up, the YouTube method with Google Translate seems like it is a profitable side hustles to make money. But when you try to use it in real life, you see that it isn’t as easy as it looks.

Remember- hard work is the best way to make money online. Also, this little experiment shows that affiliate marketing cannot be this easy. You need real work to get those juicy affiliate sales!

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Side Hustle Update

I’ve been working on implementing the strategies outlined in the guide. It is taking more time as I am juggling several other tasks each day, but I am slowly getting through it. This side hustle needs more than 15 mins each day which is all I can allocate at this time, but it will be interesting to see how we go here! The best thing to do here is to try find synergy between trending topics and what is on CPA, if we do this correctly, we should be able to see more link clicks, so I am still at the stage of finding the right offer. I have seen a couple people including one freelancer I utilize make money through this strategy. I will look to update you once in our weekly newsletter (see right side panel to subscribe) to inform you of any breaking news.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What tools do I need to get started?

  • A paypal account.
  • An Affiliate Marketing program such as CPAGrip or an alternative.
  • An AI tool with high input capabilities, such as ChatGPT 4 – we recommend that you consider purchasing or applying for credits. Apply for ChatGPT Plus for free here. This can help automate some of your tasks and help you with direction.
  • A free landing page provider such as HubSpot, MailChimp or GetResponse.

Do I need any prior experience?

No, this side hustle is designed to be accessible to anyone with an internet connection and a willingness to learn and put in the work. The step-by-step process is straightforward, you will need to put time into this and effort in order to succeed and realize how to make money online for beginners.

What is the best side hustles to make money?

This strategy is among one of the best, we will delve through more in the coming weeks and walk you through the step by steps for the best side hustles to make money.